Friday, May 6, 2011

"Baby and Me" - Oak Harbor, Washington Maternity Photographer

     Despite a few issues during my pregnancy with my first son Tyler, I have always said that I love being pregnant. It has to be the most amazing experience!  Nothing thrills my heart more than reading all the milestones my baby has reached in my belly week by week. Nothing can ever come close to the first time you feel the baby move around inside you - God just amazes me! The way He created our body to house something so precious; It's incredible! I wondered how this pregnancy would be having already had one baby. I wondered if I would bond as quickly and if I would be able to still focus on this special time with a 2 year old running around. Honestly, it hasn't been hard at all. I find myself daydreaming of how she will look and how she will be. I'm already finding myself mentally preparing for the life-long lessons we will have to teach her. I worry just as much as I worried with my first, but I constantly reassure myself that God has brought us this far with Tyler and I know He will see us through the rest.  I am just so thankful that He has entrusted both a boy and girl to raise in this world.  What an honor!  As the time draws QUICKLY nearer to Alana Reese's arrival, I am starting to feel the importance of documenting this precious little time I have with her. My body may hurt a little and I may feel fat and gross most days, but this picture for me represents the sheer beauty of it all. I hope she will love this special little picture of her and her mama later in life.

And for the record, I'm pretty stinkin' proud that I still fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans at 6 1/2 months!



Nicki said...

That is so beautiful ...the words, the photo, everything! Can't wait to see that precious baby.

Jessica Matthews said...

You are stunning girl!

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